Monday, March 14, 2011

Q&A: Do you guys get annoyed when writers make their character a writer?

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Question by Jaime: Do you guys get annoyed when writers make their character a writer?

I sometimes do because its not very imaginative. Why not research careers and give them a cool career? I know that writers can relate to their character more by making them a writer but still.

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Answer by David M
It's a lot more involved than just researching a career on Google then deciding that's the career your character is going to have. Janet Evanovich writes a series where her main character (Stephanie Plum) is a bounty hunter. Before writing the series, though, Evanovich actually engaged in the bounty hunter business to learn about it. My point: you really can't give your main character a career that you really know nothing about.

But does it annoy me when writer's make their character a writer? As long as it's well-written and keeps me entertained, no.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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