Friday, March 4, 2011

Why do I have ants coming out of an electrical outlet in my kitchen?

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Question by Person: Why do I have ants coming out of an electrical outlet in my kitchen?

Everyday, about 2 times per day, I need to kill about 5 or 6 ants in my kitchen counter near the window close to the sink. I have been suspecting that they were coming in and out of the electrical outlet right above the kitchen counters right next to the sink and right next to the window.

Well today I seen 2 of the ants leaving the electrical outlet and going on the wall.

Is this normal to have ants inside the electrical outlets?

I live in Florida so maybe its more common here?

How can I correct this problem?

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Answer by Julie M
siempre pasan cosas de ese estilo mi amigo. las hormigas donde pueden hacen nidos.

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