Monday, January 31, 2011

Programs to help low income families to pay for sports or organized hobbies?

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by Fozzeee

Question by Kj: Programs to help low income families to pay for sports or organized hobbies?

I am looking for programs in California San Diego County area to help low income families to pay for sports, or a Hobbies or Dance music anything that would be productive for kids.
I can tell you that it does Change kids lives!! I know this first hand from my childs life. Kids have to keep there grades up to be able to play sports!

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Answer by how_would_I_know
None of that is productive for kids. It's pure entertainment.

If you want to do something productive, look for a program that pushes math or science skills in kids. Everything else is worthless fluff.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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