Friday, January 21, 2011

Vintage Philco Predicta television – IMAG1084_72dpi

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A few nice Television images I found:

Vintage Philco Predicta television - IMAG1084_72dpi


Image by kevindean

Vintage Philco Predicta television -

any use of this image must credit kevin dean and direct a link to:

Television tickets


Image by Eva the Weaver

Konserthallen Liseberg. Ingång från Spegeldammen. Visning av TELEVISION tisdagen den 9 maj 1950 kl. 8:30 Obs dag och tid. Entré kr 1:- N:o 49. Obs. Barnförbjudet! Vid "tagning" måste absolut tystnad iakttagas! Till parken erlägges gällande entré.

Google translation: "Concert Hall Liseberg. Input from the Mirror pond. Viewing TELEVISION Tuesday May 9, 1950 kl. 8:30 Note the date and time. Admission kr 1: - N:o 49. Note. Addy! The "shot" must be strictly observed silence! Made applicable to the park entrance."

Wonder where "addy" came from. Barnförbjudet = M rated (or something like that).

Going through stuff, moving to a nicer apartment one block away.

Makeup Design for Film & Television - Final Projects


Image by vancouverfilmschool

Find out more about VFS's one-year Makeup Design for Film & Television program at

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