Monday, January 17, 2011

AP Physics B & C (REA) (Test Preps)

Are You Serious About Scoring a 5?
Then Get REA's AP Physics B & C Test Prep - The #1 Choice for Serious Students
The Best of AP Physics B & C in one handy volume!
If you’re serious about getting a 5 on your AP Physics exam, then you need REA’s AP Physics test prep!
This sixth edition of our popular AP Physics test prep comes complete with a comprehensive subject review of every Physics B & C topic on the AP exam, such as:
    • The book includes four full-length practice exams (two exams for Physics B and two exams for Physics C) with easy-to-follow detailed explanations of all answers. Our in-depth answer explanations help you study smarter and score higher on test day!
      Each practice test is composed of every type of question that can be expected on the actual AP Physics exam, so you can Â"practice for real” and target your strengths and weaknesses before the exam.
      After testing your physics knowledge, follow up with REA’s proven test-taking strategies and a study schedule that gets you ready for exam day!

List Price: $ 18.95

Price: $ 10.00

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